A tasty plant-based oatmeal recipe made with fresh vegetables and vegan cheese! Ingredients1 pouch Proper Good Plain Oa...
Love Proper Good's Red Pepper and Meatball Soup? Then this Ziti is perfect for you! Ingredients1 package of noodles1 p...
Every Halloween Soup needs a cheesy companion, right?! These adorable Cheese Broomsticks are sure to elevate any fall pa...
The spookiest plant-based appetizer you'll ever have! These Jalapeno Poppers are just as good as they are cute! Cookin...
A super fast, super tasty vegan burrito that will keep you full and happy! Cooking Info Prep Time: 1 minutes Cook Time...
An easy and delicious one-pot recipe that can easily be made vegan friendly too! Cooking Info: Servings: 4Prep Time: 10...
Chocolate, oatmeal and bananas make these cookie bars unforgettable! The perfect snack or sweet-treat for in between you...
Calling all campers! Proper Good's meals are always ready for the outdoors... and so are these apple crisps! This campfi...
Lunch just got a whole lot better, thanks to this amazing recipe! Personalize with your favorite veggies, and enjoy with...
Picture this: it’s a beautiful day and your family is sitting at the breakfast table. What dish is in front of you? Is i...
Proper Good is all about simple, nutritious meals. These Breakfast Bowls are not only easy to make, but they're good for...
Finished with your Proper Good meal, and looking for a sweet-tooth fix? These cherry hand pies are oh-so-good! Golden cr...