This light, mediterranean chicken dish lays well over our Quinoa Brown Rice Blend. Cooking InfoPrep Time: 10 minutesCo...
Perfectly fried & seasoned Cauliflower Fritters to enjoy with your favorite Proper Good soup! Cooking InfoPrep Tim...
Layers of brie, honey, prosciutto & dried fruit... this scrumptious & colorful charcuterie board will be your ...
The perfect vegan Mexican food dish! A warm, healthy quesadilla filled with diced vegetables, greens and guacamole! When...
Chili in a quesadilla?! What could be better! Melted cheese, southwestern flavors & smooth guacamole... Cooking Info...
This recipe takes vegetables to a whole new level! Glazed, seasoned and topped with fresh parsley. Cooking InfoPrep Ti...
This delicious dish features Proper Good's Chicken Bone Broth, zesty lemon flavors and perfectly seared salmon. Cooki...
Love Proper Good's Southwest Chili? Pair it with these Fajita Packets that have been seasoned to perfection, and are loa...
Looking for an on-the-go dish to complement your Proper Good meals? Enjoy this delightful combo of sweet and spicy! Prep...
Top off your delicious Proper Good meals with this festive and fruity dessert! Perfect for anything from outdoor summer ...
Proper Good's meals are always ready to heat and eat... these shrimp foil packets are also great for on-the-go! Deliciou...
All of Proper Good's meals are great for on-the-go, but what about when you're out and about and need something for your...