A creamy mix of all your favorites– noodles, veggies and Proper Good's Cream of Chicken Soup! Cooking Info: Serves 2-...
The only thing better than a warm, scrumptious slice of Chicken Pot Pie is when it's made with Proper Good's Cream of C...
There’s something that feels really special about spending a night out for dinner with a loved one or significant other...
This two-ingredient recipe uses Proper Good's Broccoli Cheddar Soup to create a creamy, cheesy chicken dish that'll del...
This easy recipe is perfect for those busy, winter, weeknight dinners. Made with Proper Good's Cream of Chicken Soup, t...
Made with Proper Good's Cream of Chicken Soup, these Hand Pies are both comforting and delicious! With a golden brown c...
Imagine a scone and chocolate chip cookie meet, making the most beautiful breakfast treat made from oatmeal! It's fluffy...
If you love Proper Good's 60-second Oatmeals, then you'll adore this simple breakfast recipe. Sweeten your mornings with...
The creamiest, cheesiest potatoes you'll ever have! With only 5 minutes of prep time, this recipe is great if you're in ...
A sweet and savory holiday-themed dish that only takes 5 minutes to prep, served with Proper Good's delicious Broccoli a...
Featuring Proper Good's Quinoa & Brown Rice Blend, and with only 5 minutes of prep time, this Crispy Oven Baked Chic...
If you need a quick and easy lunch idea, no look further. This Mexican inspired 5 minute meal features our yummy Proper...