Love date and nut balls? Then you will love this spooky twist on a classic! Naturally sweet from date sugar these are a...
Frankenstein toast is a classic treat that adults and kids love! Essentially it's avocado toast that has been turned int...
Your classic deviled eggs with a devilish Halloween twist—say hello to Devil Eggs! These little eggs pack all the flavor...
This is one seriously hearty kale salad, with a hint of sweetness from a maple vinaigrette and savory cheese pieces that...
Crudités are a fantastic option to take to any party, pot luck or gathering... and they are VERY easy to make a little ...
With only 5 minutes of prep time, this dinner dish couldn't be easier! It's vegan, full of flavor and sure to delight e...
Chili, rice & all things nice! Better yet, this flavor packed burrito is ready in only 7 minutes. Cooking InfoPrep ...
This isn't your average Baked Potato! The added cheesiness and flavor from Proper Good's Broccoli Cheddar Soup fills th...
The perfect family friendly dish for the Holiday season! Cooking Info: Serves 4-6 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 25 ...
A 5 minute vegan dip, perfect for any gathering! Cooking Info: Serves 4-6 Prep Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 5 minutes ...
Take spaghetti to the next level with this simple recipe! Only 5 minutes of prep, and you'll have a bowl filled with de...
The most comforting casserole out there! Made with Proper Good's Broccoli & Cheddar Soup, this recipe is layered wit...