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Frankenstein Toast

5 min read
Frankenstein Avocado Toast - Eat Proper Good
By Jennifer Jane
Frankenstein toast is a classic treat that adults and kids love! Essentially it's avocado toast that has been turned into an art project :-) And, there is no limit to what you can make, if you don't feel in the mood to make Frankenstein you can make endless other delicious and fun designs!
This is more of a 'how-to' rather than a recipe as there are so many options!
Frankenstein Toast & Spiced Pumpkin Soup - Eat Proper Good
Serves: Variable
Time: Variable depending on creativity :-) 
Ingredients for Frankenstein Design
Bread - one or two slices per person
Butter - for buttery toast if desired
Avocado - half an avocado per slice of bread for the green base of Frankenstein
Hummus with activated charcoal - for the hair - we find one cup of hummus with 1/4 teaspoon of activated charcoal to be a good ratio - you will be able to do a hair design on about 10 slices of bread with this amount of hummus, scale down as needed.
Mozzarella balls for eyeballs
Black olives for the eye pupil
Red Bell Pepper for mouth
Paprika for scar
Salt and Pepper to taste
Method for Frankenstein Design
Toast and butter your bread slices
Mash up avocado with a fork, add salt and pepper to taste
Spread your mashed avocado on your toast
Add your hummus to the top of your piece of bread, design the hair however you wish!
Cut a mozzarella ball in half and place each half with the flat side facing up under the hairline on your toast
Cut up a black olive to make pupils for the eyes and place them in the center of the half mozzarella balls
Cut up your red bell pepper and make a mouth design, get creative with your shapes :-) Place your red pepper mouth on the your toast
If you fancy adding a scar to your Frankenstein simply dip the end of a butter knife in paprika and dab paprika into the shape of a scar on your avocado base
Your Frankenstein is now ready to eat! Dip him in soup or enjoy as is!
We love to dip it in our Spiced Pumpkin Soup or Butternut Squash Soup!
Tips for Creative Toast
You can get crazy creative with fun toast designs! We made a lady Frankenstein using olives for hair and long eye lashes, and paprika for rouge cheeks. We also made a cyclopes toast with a fried eye yolk and ketchup for the eye, and cheese for hair!
Just think of what ingredients you LOVE on toast, then think of what design could work based on all the colors and textures.  This is great for not just halloween time! Think of birthday toast, fall toast, new year's toast and anything else you want to celebrate with a fun design!
Happy eating!
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