Finished with your Proper Good meal, and want a tasty treat? This sorbet takes 5 minutes to prep, and is deliciously ref...
The perfect pasta dish, seasoned with pesto, and topped with grated parmesan cheese. Cooking Info:Servings: 4 Prep tim...
In a rush in the mornings? This 5 minute omelet is filled with tasty veggies and shredded cheese, to nourish you before ...
This recipe is truly simple & sweet! Enjoy this two ingredient fudge– it's sure to brighten your day. Cooking Inf...
Elevate your snacks with this crunchy, protein-packed granola! Pack this simple granola along with your Proper Good meal...
Who knew so much deliciousness could fit into one mug?! The perfect sweet treat for after your favorite Proper Good meal...
Creamy, smooth and perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth! If you need a quick dessert for after your Proper Good meals, ...
It's your birthday everyday with this delicious frozen yogurt! If you love how simple Proper Good meals are, then you'll...
This simple recipe takes oatmeal to the next level! It's topped with cheese, sausage and ham so you'll be fueled up for ...
A quick and easy savory oatmeal recipe to add some flavor and protein to your morning meal! Ingredients1 pouch Proper G...
Love Proper Good's Southwest Chili? Then you'll be obsessed with this delicious recipe for Mexican inspired oatmeal! I...
Add a little seafood to your morning meal! Enjoy this scrumptious, savory oatmeal recipe made with shrimp. Ingredients...