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Care Packages for College Kids

5 min read
Best Care Package Ideas for College Students During Finals Week - Eat Proper Good
By Proper Good
For some college students, going to school can be lonely at first. Being away from home is hard, and the adjustment from parent’s house to college dorm is difficult.
But during stressful times, like finals week, a care package from home can make all the difference in making a college student feel loved and reassured.
But what to put in a care package?
You don’t want to give your college student items or foods they’ll never use! With so many options out there, we’ve narrowed it down to a few practical, yet fun, care package ideas to make your college student smile.
What is a care package?
A care package is filled with fun goods you know the recipient will love. Sometimes a college care package has a fun theme, like for a holiday. Other times, you can send a care package “just because” with silly, random things.
When you’re missing your college student, sending a care package is a way to remind them just how much you care and are rooting them on as they pursue their studies.
Common care package occasions
Often, a care package is sent when something special happens in someone’s life–such as a birthday, anniversary, or the birth of a child. Other times, a care package is sent to show support, like when a loved one is going through a challenging time–like an illness or the death of a friend or family member. Holidays are also a popular time to send a care package.
But one thing all care packages have in common? The word “care!” By sending a care package, it shows the person on the receiving end that you’re thinking of them and sending well wishes their way. And that’s truly something special! :)
What should I include in a care package for a college student?
These days, you can find just about anything on the internet, including subscriptions for care packages for college students!
But if you’re wanting to compile a box of goodies yourself, here are a few ideas to get started.
Non-perishable food
: When living in a dorm room or apartment with roommates, space is often shared with others. Non-perishables are a perfect option because they don’t take up a lot of room in the refrigerator and keep fresh for many days, or even months. A few common non-perishable items college students love are popcorn, peanut butter, and single-serving packaged nuts. 
If you’re worried about your college student eating healthy (who isn’t?!) Proper Good meals are a great option. Our build-your-own pack allows you to hand choose nutritious, tasty soups, chilis, and oatmeals for your college student to enjoy. You can rest assured they’re getting their daily dose of nutrition AND it’s delivered straight to their door so they can swing by the mail room in between classes. 
Ready made meals - Eat Proper Good
Gift card
: College students are constantly on the move. Between class, plans with friends, and an on campus job, your college student probably doesn’t have much time to hit the mall! That’s why gift cards make for a great care package option. Your college student can use a convenient gift card in person, like at their favorite coffee shop, or online to purchase items, like books, toilet paper, or other daily necessities.
: College is stressful, especially during the end of a semester! While hitting the books is suuuper important to excel in class, it’s also key for college students to stay fit and active every day. Maybe your college student has mentioned how much they love the local yoga studio. Or perhaps they could use a bike helmet to go with their new bicycle, which they’ve been using to get from class to class. A care package is a perfect opportunity to encourage your college student to move their body in whatever way suits them!
Massage certificate
: College students are often hunched over a book, their computer, or cell phone–always connected and learning! However, while it’s important to keep up with their studies, poor posture can result in tension and stress in the neck, back, and shoulders. Perhaps your college student could use a gift card or voucher for a massage to relax and unwind after finals week?! What a nice little perk to look forward to after weeks of studying.
Tickets to an on campus concert or sporting event
: Often, musical artists come to large college campuses to give concerts to the students–who knew?! Keep an eye on the college events calendar to see if any of your college students’ favorite bands are visiting town anytime soon! If so, concert tickets could be a great end of semester treat for them to look forward to. Or if sporting events are more their speed, tickets to the big rivalry game could be a nice option. Don’t forget the popcorn! ;)
Clothing to represent their school
: Rah rah–This next idea brings the school spirit! Your college student likely has a favorite t-shirt or sweatshirt to proudly represent their school. But with weekly cycles in the washing machine, that favorite clothing item might be getting a little faded. A new t-shirt or sweatshirt could be just the pick-me-up your college student needs going into finals week.
Care package delivery
Yes, it can be fun to make a care package with love yourself! But you’re a busy parent, too, and sometimes you simply don’t have time to shop around and buy everything in your college student’s care package. But you still want to show you care!
That’s where a premade care package can come in. We’ve handpicked a few favorites for those occasions when time is short.
CollegeBox Healthy Care Package
: Many premade care packages out there are filled with sugary snacks. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, providing your college student with healthy snacks is great brain fuel for late night study sessions! This care package includes a yummy mix of sweet and savory snacks your college student is sure to enjoy and can even share with their dorm mates!
For The Food-Obsessed Student
: This care package from Gold Belly is equal parts zany and practical–sure to bring a smile to your college student’s face! With a couple of tasty treats, a t-shirt, and gift card, this college care package is a fun mix!
Feeling homesick? Care package. Friend or family member has a happy occasion? Care package!!
Care packages are perfect for so many occasions, including college student finals week. We hope your college student will enjoy the many fun (and tasty!) care package ideas shared.
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