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Keto Vs Paleo: What Are The Differences, Similarities, and Which is Best?

Keto Vs Paleo: What Are The Differences, Similarities, and Which is Best?

Estimated time to read 10 minutes

The Ketogenic diet has become a trendy lifestyle, with several visible success stories constantly circulating around social media. Unlike other health-related social media trends, the keto diet has been rigorously supported by a plethora of studies from nutritionists and doctors that consider the diet a sure-shot way to lose some extra pounds. 

Though the Paleo diet is not as widely promoted over social media, it has been around for a long time with its origins dating back to the 1970s. The paleo diet draws wisdom from our ancestors and their eating habits. Though at first, this may seem odd, paleolithic humans are actually considered to be the figure of health as their diets are what our body has evolved to handle. With the invention of fast and processed foods, the natural and evolved diet of humans has run off its course causing obesity and various health issues around the world.

" this blog post, we will be comparing these two popular methods of weight loss and healthy living in terms of their similarities and differences."

Both of these diets are rigorous yet proven methods of weight loss, and due to their similarities, it can be difficult to know which one would suit you more!

As a result, in this blog post, we will be comparing these two popular methods of weight loss and healthy living in terms of their similarities and differences. By the end of this blog, you will have a greater understanding of each diet, as well as how you can incorporate them into your daily life.

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What Is The Keto Diet?

The keto diet seems to have taken social media by storm and though this is good for exposure, it can lead to many misconceptions and false information surrounding the diet.

Essentially, keto is a low-carb, high-fat diet. To successfully stay on the diet, you need to cut out nearly all the carbs from your diet, meaning no white rice, pasta, bread, cereal, or potatoes. Unlike other low-carb diet variants like the Atkins diet, the keto diet has calorie restrictions and strictly advocates eating real food; no processed food or junk food is allowed. Though the diet seems very strict with a large discouragement of cheat days, it works. Several studies have illustrated that the keto diet is a proven way to lose weight, limit appetite, regulate hormones, and aid in building muscle. 

Keto Broccoli Cheddar Soup - Eat Proper Good

The ultimate goal of the keto diet is to put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a change in the way your body gathers its energy to function efficiently throughout the day. Typically, your body burns glycogen (which comes from consuming carbs) for energy. Instead, to achieve ketosis, you have to force the body to use ketones (stored fat) for fuel. By limiting your carb intake, your body starts to burn stored fat for energy instead of glucose. 

In terms of what you can eat on keto diets, healthy food with high-fat content is prioritized as they help people to stay full whilst providing enough calories for your body to function correctly.

Ultimately, to maintain ketosis, you need to follow these keto dietary guidelines on a daily basis: 65-90% healthy fat, 10-30% proteins, and under 5 carbs.

Keto-Friendly Foods:

  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Coconut oil
  • Vegetable oils
  • Lean meats
  • High-fat dairy foods (cheese)
  • Plain Greek Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Low carb vegetables such as kale & asparagus
  • Low carb fruits such as berries & melons
  • Keto ready meals
  • Keto rice alternatives
Keto vs Paleo - Keto Pre-made Meals Chicken & Mushroom Soup - Eat Proper Good

Foods To Avoid On Keto:

  • Most processed foods (fast food, deep-fried foods)
  • Whole grains (bread, rice, potatoes)
  • Refined sugar (chocolate, cake, cereals)
  • Artificial/ high carb sweeteners (coffee creamer)
  • High-calorie fruits 
  • High-calorie/ starchy vegetables
  • Alcohol
  • Breaded meats

    Health Benefits Of Going Keto

    Going keto has an array of benefits that can be enjoyed with long-term keto success! We have listed the main benefits below.

    Lowers Cholesterol and Controls Blood Sugar:

    With such a focus on eating healthy fats, keto can actually help to lower cholesterol levels. This is due to being easier to digest in the body without getting clogged up!

    For the keto diet to successfully work, followers of the diet must nearly completely eliminate their daily intake of carbs. Low carb diets like keto balance glucose levels in the blood, ensuring that they do not dangerously spike after each meal.

    Improves Acne and Weight Loss:

    Healthy fats are an integral part of the keto diet. These fats, such as avocados and nuts, are rich in omega 3 and 6 which can prevent and cure acne as well as other skin issues caused by inflammation.

     The limitation of carbs on the keto diet will cause your body to switch to ketones for energy instead of relying on carbs. Ketones refer to the stored excess fat in your body, and burning these is an effective and proven method to lose weight.

    What Is The Paleo Diet?

    Firstly, it is essential that you understand exactly what the Paleo diet is in order to know whether it will work for both your body type and your lifestyle.

    Paleo, also known as the caveman diet, is based on the idea that consuming foods available to historically early humans will promote optimal health levels. The Paleo diet strictly advocates for eating real and whole food, with no processed food or junk food allowed. 

    The Paleo diet is all about eliminating certain food groups that were not around during the hunter-gatherer time period, whereas the keto diet is about controlling carbs. Though there are some obvious differences between the paleo and keto diets, both have a strong emphasis on consuming healthy fat, meat, fruit, and vegetables.

    The nutritional breakdown of a moderate diet on paleo should look like this: 20-30% protein, 15-30% carbs, and 40-65% fat.

    Paleo-Friendly Foods:

    • Bananas
    • Melons
    • Apples
    • Berries
    • Grapes
    • Kiwis
    • Dried Fruits
    • Unprocessed potatoes
    • Wild caught fish
    • Eggs
    • Meat
    • Nuts
    • Seeds 
    Keto vs Paleo - Bone Broth Cleanse Paleo - Eat Proper Good

    Foods To Avoid On Paleo:

    • Processed foods (fast food, fries, deep fried foods)
    • Refined sugar (chocolate, cake)
    • Soda
    • Salt
    • Grains (bread, cereals, pasta, rice)
    • Alcohol
    • Artificial sweeteners

    Health Benefits Of Going Paleo

    There are many health benefits of going paleo and we have outlined the main ones below!

    Weight Loss: 

    Switching to a diet that mimics paleolithic hunter-gatherers, excludes all highly processed foods which will automatically lower your daily carb intake. The paleo diet also stresses the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, and the fiber of these healthy food options will aid your digestion.

    Prevents Illnesses and Controls Blood Sugar:

    The paleo diet prevents the consumption of inflammatory food which can cause an array of illnesses. By consuming whole foods, you will enjoy an abundance of anti-inflammatory foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients. These vital vitamins are essential for preventing illnesses from the common cold to more serious diseases and heart conditions.

    The paleo diet is able to naturally balance your glucose levels due to the lower intake of carbs. This is great for those struggling with diabetes or high cholesterol levels. This can also help to prevent cravings for sugary foods due to the body remaining at a neutral level. 

    Keto vs Paleo: What Are The Similarities?

    There are actually quite a few similarities between paleo and keto diets, though these tend to be for different reasons. The key similarities between the two diets are as follows: 

    Both Diets Prioritize Healthy Fats

    Both of the diets focus on eating foods that are unprocessed that contain healthy forms of fat. This means that despite what diet plan you are following, you will consume whole foods that naturally contain fat, such as avocados and nuts. Healthy and natural forms of fat are great for satisfying hunger and keeping your body energized throughout the day.

    Both Diets Prohibit Processed Foods and Added Sugar

    Processed foods are bad for the keto diet due to their added carbohydrates and refined sugar levels which can throw keto dieters out of ketosis. In the paleolithic diet, processed foods were not available during the paleolithic era. Therefore, both diets promote the need to eat unprocessed foods, as well as encourage dieters to understand exactly what ingredients they are putting into their meals.

    Added sugar can be a sneaky ingredient in some dishes that can throw you over your nutritional guidelines whilst following either the keto or paleo diet. The paleo diet encourages people to eat whole, natural foods that have been untouched by modern agriculture or processing techniques. Keto diets discourage added sugar due to its ability to easily cause unhealthy cravings alongside increasing daily carb intakes.

    Both Diets Prohibit Certain Healthy Foods

    Certain 'traditional' healthy foods do not make the cut for both paleo and keto diets but for different reasons. For example, on a keto diet, there is a limitation on how many carbohydrates you should consume daily. Many fruits and some vegetables are quite high in glucose and carb content, making them difficult to eat when trying to stick to a keto nutritional guideline.

    On a paleo diet, a modern healthy diet was not readily available to humans historically. To truly reflect what our ancestors ate, healthy food that was not accessible to humans during the caveman era, should not be consumed. These include beans, legumes, and whole wheat or grains which were only invented once agriculture began.  

    Keto vs Paleo: What Are The Differences?

    Despite their similarities, keto and paleo still have quite a few differences in terms of their diet. The main differences between the keto and paleo diets are as follows:

    Carb Limitations

    The keto diet has a much stricter limit on the daily carbohydrate intake allowed when compared to the paleo diet. This is because keto requires the body to be starved of carbs in order for it to use fat as a source of fuel for energy instead. When this happens, your body will be in a state of ketosis and will burn excess stored fat instead which will promote weight loss.

    Processed Meat and Sweeteners

    Processed meat is not allowed on the paleo diet as the only foods available to early human diets were non processed. As a result, all meat consumed by paleo dieters has to be grass-fed and as organic as possible. In keto, as long as the meat meets the daily macro guideline allowance, it can be eaten.

    There are some low-carb sweeteners that can be consumed as part of a keto diet. On the other hand, the paleo diet prohibits artificial sweeteners whether they are high or low in calories.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    Paleo allows for fruits and vegetables to be consumed without a strict limitation on how much you consume, whereas the keto diet focuses more on staying within your daily calories.

    Paleo vs Keto: Which Diet Is Right For Me? 

    Both keto and paleo diets are effective diets for weight loss due to their focus on consuming whole foods. Whole foods are often nutrient-rich foods that will keep you satisfied without causing cravings for sugary treats. Not only do these diets encourage healthy habits, but they also have the ability to contribute positively to your overall health. For example, keto is a great diet for those who are diabetic due to its ability to lower blood sugar levels and the paleo diet can improve your cholesterol balance.

    Despite this, the two diets do have some key differences that can help you to find the right diet for you. 

    Firstly, it is important, to be honest with yourself about how strong-willed and determined you are. Keto tends to require a lot more effort than the paleo diet so how much time you are willing to put in is key. 

    Paleo is more user-friendly given how much more flexible it is when compared to keto. This means the paleo diet is a better solution for those wanting to make a long-term lifestyle change that won't be too hard to stick to. On the other hand, keto has been proven to be a technique that helps you to lose weight fast despite its strict dietary requirements and restrictions.

    If you want to lose weight rapidly, keto is better than paleo for a short-term solution. If your diet goal is to achieve a more balanced and flexible healthy lifestyle, paleo is a better solution than keto for long-term weight loss and health success.

    In summary, keto and paleo diets overlap many times in terms of their similarities, but their respective differences are what draw their followers in. It is important that you understand the requirements of each diet before fully committing yourself, otherwise, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with it.

    Both of the diets require a certain level of dedication, keto more so than paleo, but it is this long term commitment that will truly transform your body and health into a success story!

    To learn more about keto diet variations, check out these articles:


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